What is Phpmode
It's a mode for editing php files in jed.
The reason for me writing this, is that the only mode i
could find for editing php files under jed was one
i found on dotfiles made by Eric Thelin.
But it didn't work as i wanted, so i grabbed what i
could from it, and started from cmode as a template.
At the moment it does keyword highlighting and proper
indenting, plus a slew of other functionality.
Thanks go out to
o Eric thelin <eric at thelin.org> for his phpmode that got me started.
o David <dstegbauer at post.cz> who pointed out that i php isn't in fact a
case sensitive language when it comes to
functions ;)
o Abraham vd Merwe <abz at blio.net> for his relentless bug-reporting,
feature suggestions and beta-tester.
Without him my to-do list would be
considerable shorter ;)
o cmode.sl in jed, without that this mode wouldn't be
nearly as feature rich as it is now.
o latex.sl

